Dealing with infidelity, sexual betrayal, addictions and lies

The book “Deceived” deals straight on with infidelity, sexual addiction, pornography, sexual betrayal and the secrets that can kill a relationship. Claudia Black, a clinical social worker,  is well known for her work with addictions and alcoholism. This has been a good resource for couples/partners who are dealing with this relational issue. Often times, it is the betrayed partner who is the one to seek counseling to learn how to handle the feelings and betrayals that come with sexual infidelity, addiction, and betrayal in the relationship. Just wanted to pass on this book title! (Clearly this can be bought on Amazon…though I am not involved with that! In a non-COVID calm world, I would have edited this screenshot…a little honesty from Sheri)

Dealing with infidelity, sexual betrayal, addictions and lies
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