Complaining and positive attitude

Gratefulness and beauty
Beautiful sunrise

There are ways to overcome negativity and have more positive attitudes.  Breaking yourself from the habit of complaining is key.   It has  to do with changing your focus,  learning  to discipline your thought life and becoming more grateful.

“If you  have not slept, or if you have slept, or if you have a headache, or sciatica, or leprosy, or thunderstroke, I beseech you, by all means, to hold your peace, and not pollute the morning. “
-By Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Most of us have mastered the art of complaining and all its many variations. One of the reasons we love our close friends or family so dearly is that they allow us to complain knowing that we will return the favor. But if we really love them, don’t you think it’s about time we started sparing them some of this? It’s no fun to listen to.

Our words are powerful, so powerful that they can change our reality. It can change the quality of our days and nights. Learning  to shrug it off is the beginning of wisdom.

Then let’s learn how to be effective in our complaints. Journal it out, make a voice memo in your phone, or have a hard time session in which you say I’m going to  just complain for five minutes and let it all out. Afterward purposely focus on the things you are grateful for, get yourself distracted, or do the next thing in your day. So if you must complain, at least be creative and productive about it.

May I learn the art of not polluting!

Complaining and positive attitude
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