Happy Fourth of July!

Today we celebrate the Fourth of July. I am thankful to live in this country, and I honor those who have fought for our freedoms. I remember those who have suffered or died for our country, and for their loved ones who also paid the price of sacrificing their loved ones and time with them so that we can be free. If I lived in another country, I could be threatened, harmed, my belongings and income confiscated and could even have me or my family members killed for what we believe. It is happening now in countries all over the world. Those with my values are being murdered and martyred for their beliefs currently in other countries.  I can not begin to imagine what that is like.

I understand that growing up and living in America, I have no idea what others have suffered because they are “different” than what the government, ruling class, extremists, social agenda or media believe. May this great country continue to endorse other’s freedoms, maintain support of other’s beliefs and lifestyles without mocking, harming or coercing. May my children learn how to live alongside others who are different that they can appreciate and understand those from other backgrounds. May they also be able to be who they are without being namecalled, shamed, joked at in the hallways because of who they are, where they come from or what is important to them. May my heart be accepting, loving and compassionate towards those who choose to live differently than me. May our quest for tolerance not develop into distrust, pressure and hatred for those who don’t follow what we do.

I don’t really comment on world affairs, politics or the news too often. I want to live my life authentically and promote love with boundaries. May we all learn to speak the truth with love, live with kindness and compassion and speak up for as well as fight against injustices that harm others.

I am thankful to live in this great country.

Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.


Happy Fourth of July!
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