
P.I.S.D.=Post Infidelity Stress Disorder

P.I.S.D.=Post Infidelity Stress Disorder. In doing marriage counseling, I see many couples who have gone through many kinds of infidelity (emotional, online, work, financial, sexual). Psychologist Dennis Ortman in “Transcending Infidelity” likens the psychological aftermath of sexual betrayal to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in its origin and symptoms, including anxiety, irritability, rage, emotional numbing, and […]

The Dangers of Marijuana

Now that marijuana is becoming legalized in many states, the dangers of marijuana are being glossed over. Although it has been decriminalized so there are no longer stiff penalties for users, it does not negate the scientific research of what it does to brain functioning and development. Of particular concern is the effects of marijuana […]

Video Game Addiction-a new disorder

Video game addiction, aka “gaming addiction”,  is now an official psychiatric disorder. If you have been concerned about your kids, partner or yourself being addicted-there is now research confirming that gaming (and also phone addiction) stimulates the brain comparable to other addictions. In a landmark 2019 decision, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that video […]

Evaluate and treat depression

  It is so important to evaluate and treat depression by a professional.   The symptoms of a clinical depression   can be severe and life altering. People say they are depressed, but following is a clinical description with symptoms of what is considered a “Major Depression” Sadness is a part of human existence that the majority […]

Gaslighting: Dealing with an abusive and narcissistic relationship

Gaslighting is a form of emotional and mental abuse in a relationship, used by someone, usually a narcissist, to manipulate you in order to get what they want. They are a master at turning things around so you feel bad and question your self, and they are right, all knowing and here to remind you […]

PTSD or Post Trauma Growth?

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), can cause  people to be stuck and overwhelmed by the thoughts and feelings that occur from trauma that has occurred in the past. It can either be a  “Big T” (a huge trauma) but life can also bring many “small t’s”  (smaller, accumulative traumas) that can similarly have a devastating […]

Social anxiety tap along

  So many people who are considered shy or an introvert-suffer from some level of social anxiety. That doesn’t mean they don’t like people; they can feel insecure, overwhelmed, panicked and avoidant of social situations with many people, new people, big groups, and  in front of people. Tapping has been found to be an effective […]

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