Positive Persuasion

PERSUASION: (defn.) -to  imply influencing someone’s thoughts or actions; winning over a person to a certain course of action; willing to yield to reason.

The art of persuasion. Getting people to see my side of things. Winning friends and influencing people. Leading so others will follow. Being the trend setter….or the lead in the market. How do we persuade people? Organizations? Movements? The marketplace?  When I think of influence…I think of someone or a group who has persuaded me by giving me reasons (in my head and my heart/values) to think as they do and to follow what they do. Persuasion is not overpowering or coercing someone (organizations and relationships where this happens are called toxic or dysfunctional). Persuasion is not giving a speech or spiel and expecting others will “get it” and follow. Persuasion means that I am moved by reason to understand, agree and follow a line of thought that makes me say, “yes, I am on board with that! I can follow that!” Through reason, example, practical actions, clear values, or solutions to an obstacle, we see that this other point of view becomes viable. It becomes possible. It becomes reasonable and practical–and now I can and want to do it.  I want to change and do it different.

As leaders, managers, friends, parents…we want to persuade others in what will ultimately be best for them and their future.  To influence someone to do something that is best for me or my group would only be manipulation. To have a vision, be able to communicate what it is, to influence others to want to follow or join in and  to change a person or course of action, that is what I consider to be positive persuasion. “The gentle art of persuasion….”  becomes drawing out in another, or in a group/organization, that which will benefit, cause growth, fulfill vision and goals, affirm the future and equip to carry it through.  Posistive persuasion.

Who has  persuaded you? Who is  persuading you? and…who are YOU persuading, for better or worse??

Positive Persuasion
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