Surviving COVID-19

How to survive COVID-19 in this unprecedented time is consumeing the world. Undoubtedly everyone in the world is dealing with a new normal with the pandemic of the , COVID-19, ie-coronavirus. There are a lot of recommendations on how to cope, how to think positive, how to plan. But for most people, the reality is that we’ve never had to deal with something this extensive, intense, scary and globally affected.

Worry about COVID-19
Worry about COVID-19

Personal reveal:

For me-it has effected my business.  Moving to telehealth (video/phone) sessions has been very difficult and time consuming. Many clients are struggling with very serious issues. Many clients have dropped out, can’t do sessions due to kids or others at home, don’t want to do video sessions.  I have concerns about finances and the future (both my husband and I are self employed). I have a father in a senior housing facility.  My senior in high school son is missing out on  the last of his high school everything, and I don’t know what things look like for the fall when he is to start school. My schedule and sleep are changed around. And of course-the fear that I, or those I care for, get it and potentially die from it.

I can’t say…”find the sunshine in the storm”, as this is hard and scarey for most of us. I am finding-that I like more time at home, having dinners with my family, going out for my walks daily, having game nights with my husband and 2 adult kids. Maybe I will look back at this as a special time and realize there was treasure in it. I appreciate the good, and am working on managing the stress. I do a daily meditation time, but I am not too good at it! I have resorted to novels, coloring, reading magazines stacked up, playing family monopoly and enjoying the warm days when I can in Chicagoland.

I have survived many storms in life, as you have too.  Perhaps my life lessons are: learning adaptability, doing my daily gratitude journal, watching fun tv shows and videos, staying in touch with friends and family via video chats, doing my daily walk, not watching the news (I do one daily online news check in) to limit the fear and negativity, appreciating more time with adult children home. 

Below are links of some resources to help with meditation, relaxation and mindfulness during the time of COVID-19 and social distancing.

Below is a link to some good video chat apps-including playing games and watching movies together.  

Take care, be well and stay safe.

Surviving COVID-19
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